Greg Ip

The BB&T Distinguished Speakers Series
April 17, 2014 • 3:30 pm
Greg Ip is U.S. Economics Editor for The Economist, based in Washington D.C. He covers the economy, financial markets, monetary, fiscal and regulatory policy. He contributes to The Economist’s blog, Free Exchange. He has commented frequently on radio and television, including CNBC, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, The Newshour with Jim Lehrer, Washington Week with Gwen Ifill, and National Public Radio. He is the author of The Little Book of Economics: How the Economy Works in the Real World (Wiley, 2010). He joined The Economist in July, 2008. Prior to his current job, Mr. Ip was a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, most recently as chief economics correspondent in Washington. He created Real Time Economics, the Wall Street Journal’s online blog of Fed and economic news. He joined the Journal in 1996 as a reporter covering financial markets in New York.