Despite widespread agreement among practitioners and academicians that organizational insiders are a significant threat to organizational information systems security, insider computer abuse (ICA)—unauthorized and deliberate misuse of organizational information resources by organizational insiders—remains a serious issue. Recent studies have shown that most employees are willing to share confidential or regulated information under certain circumstances, and nearly one-third to half of major security breaches are tied to insiders. These trends indicate that organizational security efforts, which generally focus on deterrence and sanctions, have yet to effectively address ICA. Therefore, leading security researchers and practitioners have called for a more nuanced understanding of insiders in respect to deterrence efforts. We answer these calls by proposing a middle-range theory of ICA that focuses on understanding the inherent tensions between insider motivations and organizational controls. Our careful review distinguishes two categories of personal motives for ICA: (1) instrumental (i.e., financial benefits) and (2) expressive (i.e., psychological contract violations) motives. Our novel theory of ICA also includes the influence of two classes of controls for ICA: (1) intrinsic (i.e., self-control) and (2) extrinsic (i.e., organizational deterrence) controls. We developed and empirically examined a research model based on our middle-range theory that explains a substantial portion of the variance in ICA. Specifically, our results indicate that both instrumental and expressive motives are positively related to ICA. Moreover, intrinsic self-control exerted significant direct and moderating influences in our research model, whereas extrinsic organizational deterrence failed to exhibit a direct effect on ICA and significantly moderated instrumental motives’ relationship with ICA only. Not only do our results show that self-control exerted a stronger effect on the model than deterrence did but they also help us identify the limits of deterrence in ICA research.

The Pamplin College of Business’s Security, Privacy, and Trust group brings together the knowledge and expertise of our faculty and students who engage in the latest research and findings in security, privacy, and trust across multiple disciplines and areas.
Research Articles
Elite Journal Going Beyond Deterrence: A Middle-Range Theory of Motives and Controls for Insider Computer Abuse Information Systems Research
Elite Journal Examining the Differential Effectiveness of Fear Appeals in Information Security Management Using Two-Stage Meta-Analysis Journal of Management Information Systems
Tell me a story: The effects that narratives exert on meaningful-engagement outcomes in antiphishing training Computers & Security
Balancing the Commitment to the Common Good and the Protection of Personal Privacy: Consumer Adoption of Sustainable, Smart Connected Cars Information & Manageent
Elite Journal How Mergers and Acquisitions Increase Data Breaches: A Complexity Perspective MIS Quarterly
Elite Journal Do Security Fear Appeals Work When They Interrupt Tasks? A Multi-Method Examination of Password Strength MIS Quarterly
Elite Journal Privacy Please: Power Distance and People’s Responses to Data Breaches Across Countries. Journal of International Business Studies
Elite Journal Impact of Customer Compensation Strategies on Outcomes and The Mediating Role of Justice Perceptions: A Longitudinal Study of Target's Data Breach MIS Quarterly
A Longitudinal Study on Improving Employee Information Protective Knowledge and Behaviors Computers & Security
Critical Protection for the Network of Persons. The Journal of Law and Social Change
Elite Journal Privacy Regulations and Barriers to Public Health Management Science
Cybersecurity in Supply Chains: Quantifying Risk Journal of Computer Information Systems
Taking a Seat at the Table: The Quest for CISO Legitimacy Association for Information Systems AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
Balancing information privacy and operational utility in healthcare: proposing a privacy impact assessment (PIA) framework European Journal of Information Systems
Elite Journal Understanding Inconsistent Employee Compliance with Information Security Policies Through the Lens of the Extended Parallel Process Model Information Systems Research
Elite Journal Watchers, Watched, and Watching in the Digital Age: Reconceptualization of it Monitoring as Complex Action Nets Organization Science
Stock Market Reactions to Favorable and Unfavorable Information Security Events: A Systematic Literature Review Computers & Security
Reconsidering Privacy Choices: The Impact of Defaults, Reversibility, and Repetition.Reconsidering Privacy Choices: The Impact of Defaults, Reversibility, and Repetition Reversibility and Repetition
Breaking Bad in Cyberspace: Understanding Why and How Black Hat Hackers Manage their Nerves to Commit their Virtual Crimes Information Systems Frontiers
Being at the Cutting Edge of Online Shopping: Role of Recommendations and Discounts on Privacy Perceptions Computers in Human Behavior
Privacy Maintenance in Self-Digitization: The Effect of Information Disclosure on Continuance Intentions ACM SIGMIS Database: DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems
User Compensation as a Data Breach Recovery Action: a Methodological Replication and Investigation of Generalizability Based on the Home Depot Breach Internet Research
Toward an Understanding of the Antecedents to Health Information Privacy Concern: A Mixed Methods Study Information SYstems Frontiers
Elite Journal Who's Keeping Score: Oversight of Changing Consumer Credit Infrastructure American Business Law Journal.
Elite Journal Too Good to be True: Firm Social Performance and the Risk of Data Breach Information Systems Research
Elite Journal A Theory of Multilevel Information Privacy Management for the Digital Era Information Systems Research
Elite Journal Using Design-Science Based Gamification to Improve Organizational Security Training and Compliance Journal of Management Information Systems
Elite Journal The Effectiveness of Abstract Versus Concrete Fear Appeals in Information Security Journal of Management Information Systems
Explaining the Interactions of Humans and Artifacts in Insider Security Behaviors: The Mangle of Practice Perspective Computers & Security
Improving the Design of Information Security Messages by Leveraging the Effects of Temporal Distance and Argument Nature Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Information Privacy Behavior in the Use of Facebook Apps: A Personality-Based Vulnerability Assessment. Heliyon
Effects of the Design of Mobile Security Notifications and Mobile App Usability on Users’ Security Perceptions and Continued-Use Intention Information & Management
A Review and Theoretical Explanation of the ‘Cyberthreat-Intelligence (CTI) capability’ that Needs to be Fostered in Information Security Practitioners and How This Can Be Accomplished Computers & Security
Do Travelers Trust Intelligent Service Robots? Annals of Tourism Research
Improving Vulnerability Remediation Through Better Exploit Prediction Journal of Cybersecurity
Elite Journal Killing Me Softly: Organizational E-mail Monitoring Expectations' Impact on Employee and Significant Other Well-Being Journal of Management
Elite Journal Why Would I Use Location-Protective Settings on My Smartphone? Motivating Protective Behaviors and the Existence of the Privacy Knowledge Belief Gap Information Systems Research
Elite Journal An Integrative Theory Addressing Cyberharassment in the Light of Technology-Based Opportunism Journal of Management Information Systems
Elite Journal The Adaptive Roles of Positive and Negative Emotions in Organizational Insiders’ Security-Based Precaution Taking Information Systems Research
Elite Journal Digital Borders, Location Recognition, and Experience Attribution Within a Digital Geography Journal of Managment Information Systems
Does Opportunity Make the Thief? Abilities and Moral Disengagement in Illegal Downloading Behaviour & Information Technology
The Influence of Role Stress on Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites: A Conservation of Resources Perspective Information & Management
Institutional Governance and Protection Motivation: Theoretical Insights into Shaping Employees’ Security Compliance Behavior in Higher Education Institutions in the Developing World Computers & Security
Does More Accessibility Lead to More Disclosure? Exploring the Influence of Information Accessibility on Self-Disclosure in Online Social Networks Information Technology & People
Predictability for Privacy in Data Driven Government Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology
Dealing With Digital Traces: Understanding Protective Behaviors on Mobile Devices The Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Elite Journal Consumer Consent and Firm Targeting After GDPR: The Case of a Large Telecom Provider Management Science
A Tale of Two Deterrents: Considering the Role of Absolute and Restrictive Deterrence in Inspiring New Directions in Behavioral and Organizational Security Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Information Security Policy Violations: A Grounded Theory Approach to Counterfactual Balance and Tensions Information Systems Security
The Quest for Complete Security: An Empirical Analysis of Users Multi-Layered Protection from Security Threats Information Systems Frontier
Exposing Others’ Information on Online Social Networks (OSNs): Perceived Shared Risk, its Determinants, and its Influence on OSN Privacy Control Use Information & Management
Elite Journal To Cyberloaf or not to Cyberloaf: The Impact of the Announcement of Formal Organizational Controls Journal of Management Information Systems
For questions or to add your research to the list, contact
Shea Walters
Communications and Program Assistant
(540) 231-6601