Executive Leadership

Pamplin Executive Leadership Team
Associate and Assistant Deans for Pamplin
Bio ItemRajesh Bagchi , bio
Associate Dean of Research, Centers and Graduate Programs
Bio ItemReza Barkhi , bio
Associate Dean for Strategic Affairs
Bio ItemParviz Ghandforoush , bio
Associate Dean for Pamplin National Capital Region Operations, Executive Director of the Master of Information Technology Program
Bio ItemLara Khansa , bio
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Human Resources
Bio ItemSteve Kleiber , bio
Associate Dean for Operations
Bio ItemElizabeth Mitchell , bio
Assistant Dean of Advancement
Bio ItemMichelle Seref , bio
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs
Department Heads
Bio ItemDustin C. Read , bio
Blackwood Department of Real Estate
Bio ItemRobert Davidson , bio
Accounting and Information Systems
Bio ItemDevi R. Gnyawali , bio
Bio ItemQuinton Nottingham , bio
Business Information Technology
Bio ItemVijay Singal , bio
Finance, Insurance, and Business Law
Bio ItemZheng (Phil) Xiang , bio
Howard Feiertag Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management
Bio ItemMeng Zhu , bio
Interim Department Head, Marketing