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Due to the overwhelming success of the Pamplin Engage Program this past academic year, the Pamplin College of Business has announced that the program will be expanding for 2021-22.

Developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pamplin Engage Program provides undergraduate teaching support for online education. First implemented for the fall 2020 semester to serve faculty and students in the new blended learning environment, the program engages high-performing students as undergraduate teaching assistants (UTAs) to assist faculty in the development and implementation of online teaching, fostering a culture of mentorship in online learning.

All participating UTAs receive training on effective online learning strategies, practice in the use of online platform tools, and best practice approaches to student engagement and online collaboration. The training and experience these UTAs gain will be a highly marketable skill set that is in demand in the workplace.

The Engage Program’s first year was a success due to the generous support from our corporate partners CGI Federal, Cherry Bekaert, EY, Kearney & Co., Partners in Financial Planning LLC (Jim Pearman), RSM and Transform Ventures. Several individuals were also integral to the program’s sustainability, including Brian Cook, Jim Hatch, Don Neff, Greg and Kathy Thompson, Scott Wells, and the John and Phyllis Thompson Foundation.

The expansion of the Engage Program means an expansion in the program’s operating costs. UTAs will be allocated among Pamplin’s six departments and the Program in Real Estate based on course needs. The program seeks additional external funding to support the UTA’s positions. Private support through sponsorships from our industry partners and interested individuals is essential to maintain this valuable program.

For those interested in learning more about the Engage Program, please visit https://pamplin.vt.edu/engage.html. If you are interested in supporting the program, please contact Karin Clark, associate director, at karinclark@vt.edu or Hannah Landers, career services and employer relations manager, at hanrl15@vt.edu
