Mahmood Khan invited to join Council on Foreign Relations' ambassador program
September 27, 2023

Mahmood Khan, professor and director of the Pamplin College of Business Master of Science in Business Administration/Hospitality and Tourism Management program, was invited by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) to join its Higher Education Ambassador Program.
The CFR Higher Education Ambassador Program is dedicated to professors, instructors, and administrators championing global affairs in colleges and universities across the country. It serves to augment the larger CFR Education Ambassador Program.
According to the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR Education Ambassador program is a nine-month engagement that “connects educators across the United States with resources, professional development activities, and a network of like-minded professionals who are committed to equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and perspective to navigate today’s connected world.”
The CFR Education program leverages the knowledge of Council on Foreign Relations experts, like Mahmood Khan, to make complex global affairs and foreign policy issues accessible for middle school, high school, higher education students and educators.
The invitation to join the CFR Higher Education Ambassador Program is a continuation of the relationship between Khan and the Council on Foreign Relations. Earlier this year, Khan was invited by the Council on Foreign Relations to attend the 2023 College and University Educators Workshop, held at their headquarters in New York City. There, representatives from various colleges and institutions in the United States discussed topics such as U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, water stress and climate dynamics, human rights in Latin America, military affairs, and post-conflict reconstruction.
“The workshop organized by the Council on Foreign Relations provided an opportunity to interact with educators from different colleges and universities as well as meeting with foreign policy experts,” Khan said of the workshop. “The multidisciplinary panels focused on the current world affairs ranging from climate change, water scarcity, human suffering, as well as ongoing political situations.”