Security, Privacy, and Trust Guest Speaker Event: Mikko Siponen
April 4, 2023

Pamplin College of Business Security, Privacy, and Trust invites all faculty and students to a Process Theory Seminar led by guest speaker, Mikko Siponen, Professor of Information Systems at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
This event will be Monday, April 10 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Pamplin 1028 (in-person). There is also an option to join via Zoom (register here for Zoom link). Light refreshments will be served to those who attend in person.
About Dr. Siponen:
Mikko Siponen is a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Dr. Siponen has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Joensuu, Finland and a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the University of Oulu, Finland.
Dr. Siponen is ranked among the top 30 scholars in Information Systems discipline worldwide. His research interests include IS security, IS development, computer ethics, IT use, and philosophical aspects of IS. In terms of research and consultancy, Dr. Siponen is most well known in the area of IS security or cyber security management.
He has been published extensively in top IS journals like MISQ, ISR, JAIS, EJIS and others, served as guest SE and AE for the MISQ, and held editorial positions at ISR, JAIS, EJIS, I&M, and CAIS. At this time, he is the only Information Systems scholar invited to the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.
In addition to an impressive academic career, Dr. Siponen has held managerial and leadership positions as Vice Head Department, Head of Department and Vice Dean for Research at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. He has worked in several countries as a visiting distinguished professor, honorary professor, visiting professor, invited speaker, and a consultant. He has been Primary Investigator for research projects funded by the Academy of Finland, the EU, Business Finland, and the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.