Zaneta Purvis

Zaneta has over 10 years of experience advising clients on public and private M&A transactions as well as process improvement and change initiatives. At Grant Thornton, Zaneta leads optimization and integration of people-process-technology pillars to deliver savings as well as combat low cross-functional support, organizational resistance to change, inertia and underutilization of investments. Zaneta has taught courses on strategic change management and Lean-Six Sigma methodologies. Skilled in Rapid Improvement and Kaizen facilitation, Zaneta enjoys implementing principles of global dashboards and right-sized governance; she has a passion for white-boarding to draw in reluctant and time-starved stakeholders.
Zaneta graduated from Virginia Tech with a dual degree in Finance and German; subsequently, she received her MBA from University of Maryland in 2018.
Outside of work, Zaneta is passionate about sports and outdoors, mentoring women and career management while raising a family as well as good company and the foodie scene of Alexandria, VA, where she resides since 2010.