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Draft 2019 Strategic Planning Process Timeline





Environmental Scan

Changes—external, university, college

All stakeholders

February 4-15

Consolidate Data and Report

Review and consolidate data to report to stakeholder groups

Associate Deans

February 18 – March 1

Mission and Vision Review

Critique of content and framing

All stakeholders

February 11-22

Mission and Vision Redraft

Consolidate prior information and identify potential changes

Associate Deans

February 25-March 8

Mission Vision Comment

Send draft revision back out to stakeholders for comment

All Stakeholders

Mar 11-22

Redraft Mission Vision

Redraft Mission and Vision as necessary based on comments

Associate Deans

March 25-29

Organizing Frameworks Review

Input on the existing pillars and the “F”s framework (faculty, facilities, funding and “operations”) for the next five years.

Associate Deans

Depart Heads

Faculty, Directors

PAC Cabinet

Feb 18-March 1

Frameworks Revision

Consolidate input and construct draft revision of organizing frameworks

Associate Deans

March 4-March 15

Frameworks Comment

Seek comment on the revised organization frameworks

Associate Deans

Depart Heads

Faculty, Directors

PAC Cabinet

March 18 – April 5

Redraft frameworks document

Redraft frameworks document as necessary based on comments and redistribute

Associate Deans

April 8-April 12





Objectives and Goal Review

Review of existing objectives and goals and progress toward achieving them in the past five years; suggestions for what to drop, what to modify and what to add

Associate Deans

Department Heads

Faculty, Directors

PAC Cabinet

February 25- March 8

Draft Modified Goal Metrics and Levels

For the modified goals, what metrics and levels should be adopted for the next five years

Associate Deans

March 11- 22

Goals and Objectives Comment

Provide opportunity for broader comment on the goals and objectives

Associate Deans

Department Heads

Faculty, Directors

PAC Cabinet

April 1-April 12th

Goals and Objectives Modification

Redraft goal and objectives based on comments


April 15 - 19th

Actions Review

Review of the actions that have been undertaken during the last five years to accomplish goals in the strategic plan—what to drop, modify or add?

Associate Deans

Department Heads

Faculty, Directors

PAC Cabinet

March 4 - 15

Suggest new or revised actions

Identify modified actions. Assure alignment with mission/vision and objectives


Department Heads


March 11 – 22

Review Proposed Actions and Costs

Review and suggest modification of projected investment costs across initiatives under different budget scenarios

Associate Deans

Department Heads

March 25 – April 5th

Review of Proposed Actions and Costs

Broader review and comment

Associate Deans

Department Heads,

Faculty, Directors

PAC Cabinet

April 8 – 19th





Review of Personnel Actions against Hiring Plan 2014-2019

Review personnel changes, additions and reductions and estimate cost impact for 2014-2019.

Associate Deans

February 4 – 15

Estimate costs of actions in previous planning horizon

Determine costs of investments in actions in the previous five years (2014-2019) and resulting revenue streams

Associate Deans

February 18 – March 1

Projected Hiring Plan for 2019-2024

Develop hiring plan for the next five years and estimate cost impact assuming current plans

Associate Deans

Department Heads


March 4 - 15

Estimate future costs of continuing current action investments

Estimate expected revenue streams under current plans

Associate Deans

March 11 - 22

Review steady state cost and revenue projections for 2019-2024

Review steady state cost and revenue projections and provide comments

Associate Deans

Department Heads


March 25-April 5

Develop Budget Scenarios

Develop three budget scenarios: conservative, modest, aggressive

Associate Deans

April 1 – 12

Estimate costs and sources of funds resulting from revised actions

Develop initial estimates of the costs of the actions suggested and relevant revenue streams

Associate Deans

Department Heads

Center Directors

April 15 - 26th

Develop preliminary discretionary investment budget and timeline

Develop discretionary spending budget

Associate Deans

April 29 – May 10th