John Holland
John Holland- Senior from McLean, Virginia, majoring in finance and management with a minor in leadership studies and an honors scholar diploma. This fall, John served as the Regimental Commander of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, the Corps’ highest leadership position. Over his four years he has also served in numerous other leadership billets within the Corps. He represents the class of 2019 as the Cadet Member at Large, is a member of Omicron
Delta Kappa, part of the Student Alumni Associates, and serves on the Senior Class Gift Committee. He supports prospective and current Hokies as a member of the Hokie Ambassadors, an orientation leader, and as a member of the Order of the Gavel. He is a recipient of the Emerging Leader Scholarship and the Wells Fargo Leadership Development Scholarship. Upon graduation John will head to Northern Virginia to work as a Technology & Management Consultant for RSM US.