Pamplin Strategic Career Planning event

UPDATED: All Pamplin juniors and seniors are invited to this exclusive event on Wednesday, March 30, from 5–7 p.m. at Owens Banquet Hall.
Ellen Poole, author of “’Network’ is Not a Verb”, will speak on practical steps to build networks and nurture relationships for professional success. Poole offers ways to be more valuable as a potential member of others’ professional networks and explains common missteps that could unwittingly alienate new connections.
After the presentation, students will be able to practice their networking skills and enjoy light refreshments with Poole, as well as members of the Pamplin Advisory Council, representing such companies as KPMG, Bank of America, American Express, and more. Pamplin seniors attending the event will receive a FREE copy of Poole’s book.
Seating is limited to the first 300 Pamplin seniors who register.