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Academic Advising

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    Schedule an Appointment , redirect

    The university's EAB Navigate system enables students to see advisor availability and schedule appointments quickly and easily.

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    Change Major

    Students interested in applying into Pamplin, or switching out of Pamplin should read this important information regarding the change major process.

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    Academic Policies

    Students are responsible for knowing university and Pamplin policies and procedures regarding the curriculum and degree requirements.

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    Major & Minor Checksheets

    The University Registrar approves major and minor checksheets that list degree requirements by graduation year.

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    Degree Audit (DARS) , redirect

    The Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) is a computer generated report that shows a student’s progress towards degree, including complete, in-progress, and incomplete requirements.

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    Pamplin New Student Advising and Registration

    Review important information regarding new student orientation, including the steps to take before, during, and after.