Change Major
Data visualization class held in the Athenaeum classroom in Newman Library.

Major Change within the Pamplin College of Business
The Univeristy Change of Major process occurs three times per year. Official change of major dates can be found on the Registrar's website.
Current Pamplin students that wish to change their primary major to another major within the Pamplin College of Business or change/add a secondary major within the Pamplin College of Business must complete the request during an open change major period.
Primary Major
Secondary Major
Change/Add Major Option/Concentration or Drop Secondary Pamplin Major
Current Pamplin College of Business students are eligible to change/add their major option/concentration throughout the year. Current Pamplin students are also eligible to drop their secondary Pamplin major at any time.
Forms to drop a secondary Pamplin major and/or make changes to your option/concentration can be found on the Pamplin forms website.
Change/Add Major Outside the Pamplin College of Business
The Univeristy Change of Major process occurs three times per year. Official change of major dates can be found on the Registrar's website.
Students wishing to change their primary major or add a secondary major in a discipline outside the Pamplin College of Business should read the following information about restricted and non-restricted majors.
Non-Restricted Majors
Non restricted majors have no course or GPA requirements for students admitted to their degree programs. However you may be required to attend an information session or meet with an advisor in the intended program prior to changing your major.
Restricted Majors
Restricted majors require students to meet specific requirements before applying. These requirements may include:
- taking specific courses
- achieving a specified minimum grade point average (GPA)
- completing an application
- appearing for an interview
In some cases, meeting the minimum requirements for application does not guarantee acceptance into the major. You should plan to attend an information session or meet with an advisor in the intended program prior to submitting an application.
If you are a F-1 or J-1 international student, please meet with a representative at the Cranwell International Center to receive a new immigration document marked with your new program or adjusted field of study. All F-1 or J-1 international students are required to obtain a new immigration document within 10 days of change.
The Pamplin College of Business offers majors from the following departments:
- Accounting and Information Systems
- Business Information Technology
- Finance
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Management
- Marketing
The majors within these departments are all considered restricted and therefore prospective internal transfers are subject to a competitive internal review (see below).
Please note that while Residential Development and Investment and Commercial Development and Investment majors are administratively housed in Pamplin, they do not result in a B.S. in Business degree and are considered non-restricted majors. Students in these majors are subject to the internal transfer requirements listed below to change into or add a restricted business major.
Review the following information on minimum requirements for Restricted majors in the Pamplin College of Business
- Successful completion of ACIS 1504, ECON 2005, MATH 1524, and MGT 1104 with grades of C- or better in each course (at least two of these courses must be taken at Virginia Tech).
- For students specifically interested in majoring in the FinTech and Big Data Analytics major ONLY: Recommendation of successful completion of ECON 2005, MATH 1225, and CS 1064 with grades of C- or better in each course (at least two of these courses must be taken at Virginia Tech). Students applying to FinTech and Big Data Analytics do not need to take ACIS 1504 and MGT 1104 in order to apply.
- A minimum business GPA of 2.5 in ACIS 1504, ECON 2005, MATH 1524 and MGT 1104. (Or ECON 2005, MATH 1225, and CS 1064 for FinTech applicants.)
- A minimum overall GPA of 2.0
Acceptance into a restricted Pamplin College of Business major is based upon competitive business and overall GPA as well as space availability.
Important Enrollment Information:
- ACIS 1504, MATH 1524, and MGT 1104 are typically NOT open to non-Pamplin Students in the fall semester.
- ACIS 2115, ACIS 2116, BIT 2405, BIT 2406, ECON 2006 and HTM/MGT 2314 are not required to apply, but if taken, will count in the business and overall GPA for application and must also be completed with grades of C- or better in each course.
We offer Non-major Information Sessions during the fall and springs semester to answer students’ questions regarding the application process. After attending a Non-Major Information Session, students are assigned a Pamplin advisor to assist with additional questions. Please note these sessions are not required to apply to the Pamplin College of Business.
Register for information session by emailing from your VT email address with name, ID number and session you want to attend. Registration will end at 10am the day of the session.
- Wednesday, January 22
- Tuesday, March 25
- Monday, March 31
- Thursday, April 24
All Sessions will be virtual and begin at 3pm.
Submit your application online during one of the open application periods in August, January, or May. Students requesting to change their primary major must request this change in HokieSpa. Students requesting to add a secondary major in Pamplin must complete the PCOB online application.
Please note that there is no guarantee that internal transfers will be able to add business courses to their schedules during their first semester as a Pamplin student.
If you are a F-1 or J-1 international student, please meet with a representative at the Cranwell International Center to receive a new immigration document marked with your new program or adjusted field of study. All F-1 or J-1 international students are required to obtain a new immigration document within 10 days of change.