Newsletter - November 10
November 10, 2023

A Note from Desk of Dean Sarker
Dear Pamplin Family,
This has been a momentous week where we welcomed the AACSB Peer Review team and hosted them over a period of two days.
As is customary, on their final day, Rob (as the Head of the Department of Accounting) and I got to sit in front of the team and hear about their assessment and feedback as well as the next steps in the review process. Let me share in one sentence what they told us: “We will be recommending extension of accreditation” and “kudos on a fine job.” There are still many intermediate steps before we get the final decision from AACSB which will likely happen in February/March 2024. Their draft report celebrated many of Pamplin’s current efforts as well as provided consultative guidance on some areas to emphasize on (and initiatives to think of) as we design a next-gen Pamplin. Our College is leading on many efforts, and I could tell that each of the team members also took away with them valuable lessons from our experiences and ideas about initiatives that they would like to implement in their own respective institutions.
Each one of you have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to get us to this point, so first of all, THANK You to all of you for that. I also want to thank my predecessors (Robert Sumichrast and Robin Russell) whose hard work over the last five years was reflected in the report and in the overall assessment of the review team. Many of you took time out of your busy schedules to meet with the review team, share your experiences, and answer their questions and I appreciate that very much. A big thank you to the academic leadership team who has contributed integrally to many aspects of the report. Thank you to Amy Transue for the flawless arrangements during the team’s visit (I heard from each and every member about how touched they were with the hospitality) and to Kim Ridpath and Miranda Brooks for incredible support work. Finally, a very special and BIG thank you to Lara Khansa for leading the AACSB efforts. She took on this challenging task early this year and executed it effectively.
Provost Clarke sent a very complimentary note post his meeting with the review team and the Chair of the review team (Dean Sambamurthy) posted an equally positive note on LinkedIn (if you follow him, do check it out).
Now, let us work together to chart the next version of Pamplin through a forward-thinking and upward-looking vision.
You all are Pamplin’s core asset, and I am proud to have the opportunity to serve as your Dean.
Dean S. Sarker
On Veterans Day, it is our honor and privilege to recognize all persons and families of persons who have sacrificed their lives for our nation. We acknowledge your courage and resilience while protecting freedoms that are often taken for granted. You are the embodiment of our Virginia Tech motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) and what you have given to maintain peace throughout the world will never be forgotten. We celebrate you and reflect on your altruistic service to our country. Watch here
FACULTY OPPORTUNITY: Each year, the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers diverse opportunities for U.S. academics, administrators and professionals to teach, research, conduct professional projects, and attend seminars abroad in over 135 countries. Interested in learning more about the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program? Please join our Fulbright Info Session on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Zoom at Featured topics include award opportunities and the application process; speakers include a member of the Provost’s Office to discuss fellowship leave, and former Fulbright grantees at Virginia Tech sharing their application experiences. This event is part of Virginia Tech’s International Education Week 2023.
Next week is International Education Week throughout the US. This is a joint initiative of the US Department of State and the US Department of Education. Universities throughout the country have activities throughout the week. VT is fairly new to participating in the IEW, as last year was our first year. Please see the website for a detailed list of daily events. We ask that you encourage students, faculty, and staff to participate whenever possible and appropriate as PCOB is one of the campus partners. Thanks for helping us get the word out!

Congratulations to Dean Hall and the DEIB Team! Your team is being recently received the 2023 Inspiring Programs in Business Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity. See the wonderful letter from Senator Warner.
Employee Spotlight
Each employee below has been submitted for this recognition by their colleagues.

A BIG Thank You to LISHA HENSHAW! As the Lead Administrative Manager in Pamplin Undergraduate Programs, Lisha workswith our faculty on college curriculum and assessment committees, supports all undergraduate program directors, and supervises the front office to assist advising team needs and student requests. WOW! Thank you, Lisha, for ALL that you do, your attention to detail, your beautifully formatted reports, and your positive energy! We appreciate you!!

Thank you to our unsung hero, Ron Poff! Ron is our Assistant Department Head In the Management Department. Ron works and serves tirelessly to provide service to the college. Ron received the 2023 Ut Prosim Award, Innovate Living Learning Community and the 2022 Excellence in Teaching, Pamplin College award. Ron is a pillar in our leadership program at Pamplin. Thank you for all your service.

Brantley Willett, Associate Director of Academic Affairs at NCR, thank you! There are too many compliments and thanks to count for all the hard work you do in Falls Church!. Your work to provide a great experience for students and faculty alike has been noticed and we appreciate your special insight. Your impact on the program is exceptional.
Submit staff and faculty for upcoming issues here:
Upcoming Events

Mental Health First Aid – November 15th. MHFA takes the fear and hesitation out of starting conversations about mental health and substance-use by improving understanding and providing an action plan that teaches people to safely and responsibly identify and address issues as they arise. More information Here

The A/P Faculty Senate will be meeting Wednesday, November 15th
When: Wednesday, November 15th from 10:00am - 12:00pm
Where: Zoom ( [no pre-registration is required]
Contact Blair Allen for questions:

Thanksgiving Week Holiday:
- Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023*
(Close at noon. 4 hours additional holiday leave) - Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023 – closed.
- Friday, Nov. 24, 2023 – closed
For more events, check out
Committee Corner
Extra Items
Remember the Holiday & Winter Closing Schedule: Information Here
Did you know?
Trivia about Pamplin and Virginia Tech.
Each edition we will ask a question about Pamplin. This will include trivia questions, historical details, or current events. The answer will be published in the next edition.
Nov 3rd: What color will Burrus Hall be for Veterans Day? – Green!
Nov 10th: When does the University Choirs play at the Moss Center?
Check back next week to find out…..