Newsletter - November 3
November 3, 2023

A Note from Desk of Dean Sarker
Thank you to all who were able to attend the Pamplin Town Hall on Friday, October 27th. It was wonderful to hear from the faculty and staff at Pamplin. We will continue to find avenues for our faculty and staff to express their ideas and suggestions to create a better future. I am confident that together we can build on this momentum and continue to make Pamplin the top respected business school.
If you were not able to attend the meeting, please take a few minutes to watch the recording of the Town Hall. You can follow the link to the recording Here
Thank you!
A fresh staff performance cycle has launched on November 1st:
Supervisors, it is time to log into the system and start the goal planning for your staff employees. This marks the official start of the performance cycle, and it is recommended to engage in meaningful discussions about performance goas.
Find more details: Here
Proactive planning is key to achieving the best outcomes, so we encourage all employees to start the performance goal planning process promptly. Collaborative participation is crucial in this process, and it is recommended that supervisors meet with their employees to set goals that not only align with departmental and college/division objectives but also with the broader goals of our university.
Please encourage your students to register for DEIB's First-Generation Panel on Wednesday, November 8th at 5:30 PM in Pamplin 1028. Featuring guests from Pamplin Career Services, Morgan Stanley, and Target! Refreshments provided!
Register here:”
DSP received an award at the national Delta Sigma Pi Grand Chapter Congress. It was for outstanding professional activities in the mid-Atlantic region for 2022-2023. There are 9 active collegiate chapters, one startup chapter, chapters in this region.
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity, and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.
We look forward to the rest of the Pamplin community being able to celebrate this amazing accomplishment with the members of DSP.
Congratulations on grant funding and approval: Research Management System - Funded Projects - Discovery Projects 2024 round 1) the grant was funded successfully with only a slight reduction in the budget from $598K to $534K (not too bad in the scheme of usual budget cuts). Fantastic news!
Welcome to Pamplin! Marc Kaplan is the new Director of Communications and Marketing, who will start on November 30, 2023.
Marc most recently served as the Vice President, Associate Dean of Mount Sinai Health System, Icahn School of Medicine. Marc brings extensive years of experience as a marketing and communications expert having worked as the chief marketing and communications office at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine Mount Sinai, Chief Marketing and Communications Office at Columbia University School of Nursing, and Director of Communications Penn Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Marc holds a B.A. in English from the University of Rochester. Thank you to Rajesh Bagchi, Department Head of Marketing who served as the Pamplin academic member representative of the Advancement Search Committee.
Welcome to Pamplin! Julie Nester will be joining us on Monday, November 13th as an Associate Director of Major Gifts.
With over 15 years of diverse professional experience, Julie has valuable expertise in sales and partnership marketing across various industries including banking, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, hotel sales, new home sales, and SaaS. Her specialization lies in prospecting and outbound business development, and she is passionate about mentoring and coaching sales professionals. Julie already calls the NRV “home” and has a bachelor’s degree from East Carolina University. Her extensive and creative sales background make her a great fit for our fundraising team. She is thrilled to bring her professional expertise and personal passions to our team and looks forward to collaborating with each of us to achieve our collective goals.
Welcome Karen Wrightsman, our new Assistant Director of BIT-Cyber and MSBA-Global Business Analytics.
Dr. Wrightsman earned her Ph.D. at George Mason University in Education specializing in Higher Education with a secondary emphasis in International Education. Most recently Karen worked for IIE (Institute of International Education) as the Lead for Alumni Engagement and Career Development. Previously, Karen served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Azerbaijan where she taught English and Teaching Methods. Karen has lived in Northern Virginia for 16 years and enjoys hiking, cooking, traveling, and kayaking.
Pay Raises! The Virginia Tech Board of Visitors approved a 2 percent pay increase with an effective date of Dec. 10, consistent with the outcome of the Special Session of the General Assembly. Employees receiving the increase will see it reflected on their Dec. 29 pay statement. Find the details Here
Employee Spotlight
Each employee below has been submitted for this recognition by their colleagues.

Congratulations David Townsend, Rick Hunt, and Judy Rady, on the acceptance of your Academy of Management Review (AMR) article titled “Are the Futures Computable?
Knightian Uncertainty & Artificial Intelligence”. Acceptance in AMR is truly an outstanding accomplishment given that it is one of very few journals listed in both UTD and Pamplin Elite journals. What is particularly noteworthy is that Judy is a current full-time Ph.D. student and assisting with the project; Parul, and Jin were full-time Ph.D. students at the time of submission who graduated earlier this year.

A BIG Shout out to Amy Branch! As Lead Administrative Manager she does an AMAZING job, but she set the bar with her work on our Segal Project! Amy has been instrumental in the work on the logistics related to the project with Segal. Setting over 115 individual and group meetings, was a monumental task that she handled with ease. Give her a shout of appreciation when you see her working tirelessly to accommodate all the schedules and needs for a giant college project. THANK YOU, AMY!
Submit staff and faculty for upcoming issues here:
Upcoming Events

The Moss Arts Center is holding a free staff and faculty event with music, cupcakes, and swag on Thursday, November 16th from 12-1pm in the Grand Lobby of the center!
More information can be found: Here

Please join the Beyond Boundaries group to share your thoughts and feedback as a part of the effort to update the Virginia Tech Beyond Boundaries Vision.
November 8th 10:00am Newman Library
More Information Here

Thanksgiving Week Holiday:
- Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023*
(Close at noon. 4 hours additional holiday leave) - Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023 – closed.
- Friday, Nov. 24, 2023 – closed

Registration for the following events will open soon so be on the lookout for an email from Advancement:
Pamplin Holiday Reception. Friday, December 1st at the University club from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Pamplin Holiday Luncheon. Thursday, December 7th at Eastern Divide from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
For more events, check out
Committee Corner
Extra Items
Remember the Holiday & Winter Closing Schedule: Information Here
Did you know?
Trivia about Pamplin and Virginia Tech.
Each edition we will ask a question about Pamplin. This will include trivia questions, historical details, or current events. The answer will be published in the next edition.
Oct 27th: What is the “Segal Project”?
A comprehensive assessment of the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of existing College structures, strategies, services, practices, processes, policies, roles, and culture
Nov 3rd: What color will Burrus Hall be for Veterans Day? – be sure to check it out on November 11th.
Check back next week to find out…..